Single Project Profitability Report |
Contract Amount: |
Direct Cost: |
Total of Change Orders: |
Indirect Costs Allocations: |
Total Contract Amount: |
Overhead Cost Allocations: |
Received from Client: |
Total Project Costs: |
Project Receipts less Costs: |
Project Start MO-YR: |
Project Margin %: |
Project Completion MO-YR: |
Target Profit Margin: |
Target Production Period in months: |
Profit Margin Variance: |
Actual Production Period in months: |
Project Manager: |
Production Period Variance in months: |
Project Manager Grade: |
Top 8 issues impacting profitability |
Impact 1 (low) to 5 (high) |
Comments: |
PRINT: Portrait, Margins=Default, Scale=Default |
Issues Impacting Profitability |
Project Manager |