► To ensure that Countertops are installed in a manner consistent with all applicable building codes, manufacturer's instructions and warranty requirements, and acceptable construction practices.
►SITE SUPERINTENDENT: shall refer to any Builder representative with authority to enforce this Scope of Work.
►SUBCONTRACTOR: shall refer to the Subcontractor's organization, its employees, or any representative of the Subcontractor assigned the authority to perform per this Scope of Work.
► All end/backsplashes must be properly fitted, snug, and secure.
► Countertops should be fastened to cabinets with screws, front and back, at least every 4 feet.
► Care should be taken not to penetrate the countertop surface with the fasteners.
► Countertops should be installed within 1/4 inch of level in 8 feet and 1/8 inch of level front to back.
► Deck area countertop joints may not exceed a 1/16-inch gap and a maximum of 1/16-inch differential in surface alignment.
► All countertop overhangs in excess of six inches must be adequately supported from underneath.
► If colored countertops are selected, colored caulking, matched as closely as possible to the color of the countertops, should be used if at all possible.
► After installation, all countertops and countertop edges should be protected with rosin paper that is taped securely. Tape shall be of a type that will not damage cabinets or countertops.