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Examine your motivation for business ownership
Why am I starting a construction business?
Choose a business based on your skills and interests
Here is a listing of my construction technical skills:
Here is a listing of my construction managerial skills:
Here is a listing of the skills it will take to run the construction business I am thinking about starting:
Here is the part of a construction business in which I am most interested:
Assess your strengths and weaknesses
Which construction business tasks am I strongest at?
Which construction business tasks do I stink at?
This is what it is going to take to sell my product -
Establish business goals
What business model have I chosen to use?
What will the business look like next year?
What will the business look like in three years?
What will the business look like in five years?
Establish personal goals
Assess your financial resources
Identify your sources of assistance
Where am I going to get information regarding construction business management?
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3
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