Course Title:

EstimatorPRO crib sheet

EstimatorPRO crib sheet

How do I ....?

This course is intended to be a extensive series of quick training videos covering individual topics in the use of EstimatorPro.  Each video will cover one important function or action in the EstimatorPro software, and each video is meant to stand on its own.

You can, of course, view multiple videos at a setting, but this course is meant as a resource that you will refer to when you have a question about a specific button or icon or selection in EstimatorPro.

We will be adding lessons periodically.  If you have a question about some topic not covered yet, let us know and we can move it to the head of the list.

By the way, there will be some repetition in lessons between the Estimating courses.  A lesson may fit into the structure of another course and may fit in this course as well.  Each course has its own purpose, and I want to make certain that you have all the information you need.

Get started by registering for the free class below.

Course Information

Free 3-month Access

3 months of access

This course is intended to jump start your training in EstimatorPro, usually as an adjunct to hands-on training.

Feel free to contact Dennis if you have additional questions.

If you need additional access following the three months, just register again.